Board of Directors and Management Committee

Board of Direction


Mr. Bertino Velasco Torre.


Sierra del Acebo, S.L.
Rte. Mr. Jesús Ruano Mochales


  • Mr. José Ramón Badiola García
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera Asturiana).
  • Mr. Delfín Pérez García
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera Asturiana).
  • Mr. Faustino Rodríguez Medina
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera Asturiana).
  • Mr. Dámaso Alberto Álvarez Rodríguez
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera Asturiana).
  • Ms. María Ángeles González Cueto
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera Asturiana).
  • Mr. Germán Marcos Fernández
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera A).
  • Mr. Oliver Menéndez Gutiérrez
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera Asturiana).
  • Mr. Luis Mariano García Alonso
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera Asturiana).
  • Mr. Adolfo Luiña López
    CLAS SAT (Central Lechera Asturiana).
  • Norteña Patrimonial, S.L.
    Rte. Sr. D. José Manuel Agüera Sirgo. Liberbank.
  • Mr. José Ramón Fernández Martínez
    Caja Rural.

Executive Committee

General Manager

Mr. José Armando Tellado Nogueira.


  • Ms. María García Fernández
    FMCG and Export Sales Manager.
  • Ms. Charo Suárez Fernández
    Director of Finance and Information Systems.
  • Mr. Manuel Morales Zapata
    Legal Services and Internal Auditing Manager.
  • Mr. Juan Povedano Marcos
    Marketing Director
  • Mr. José Manuel Flórez
    Industrial Organisation and Efficiency Manager.
  • Mr. Andrés Vega Artime
    Director of Human Resources and Excellence.
  • Mr. Mariano Jiménez Braojos
    Sales Manager Food Service.